A Message From Our Editors

As we write this message, Christmas has come and gone. We have entered into a New Year and also — as an assembly — a new decade. We would like to give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for allowing us to see 2015 despite our struggles in 2014.

Reflecting on where God has brought us from and knowing that He has equipped us for every good work, we bring to you this quarter’s theme: “Stronger than ever – 2015”. As we leave behind

the old year and venture off into the new, may Agape News inspire you to grow stronger in the Lord and may we help each other as brothers and sisters to show the love and compassion that is in
Jesus Christ.

We know that the Lord will bless us in all areas of our lives when we increase our time for Him. Let us rely on the Lord for all things and give our time to glorify God. May our reliance on the Lord grow stronger than ever because we know that we can do anything the Lord desires us to do.

With warmest thanks,
Vivienne Caldwell & Crystal Haynes, Editors

This was originally published in the third printed issue of Agape News in January 2015.
